What exactly is the Skywise platform?
Skywise places a premium on intelligent, insightful, AI-driven analytics. Make contact with us. Skywise allows you to interact with your data in a natural way by utilizing pre-built workflows designed to improve operational efficiency, prevent delays, and reduce the risk of AOGs.
What exactly is Skywise Palantir?
Skywise is an open data platform designed and developed for the aviation industry by Airbus in collaboration with Palantir. Skywise’s primary goal is to provide insights from massive amounts of data that were previously locked away in corporate silos.
Skywise is owned by whom?
Motlekar Holdings Inc.
Motlekar Holdings, a South African private equity firm, owns Skywise. In September 2016, the company purchased Skywise from Pak Africa Aviation.
What is the core of Skywise?
Skywise will provide all users with a single point of access to their enriched data by consolidating aviation data from multiple sources across the industry into a single secure cloud-based platform.

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